
15 2015

Shoreline Yom HaShoah Commemoration

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Cantor Kevin Margolius
Belinda Brennan, Rabbi Offner and Rabbi Goldenberg can also be contacted for information.

Yom HaShoah Commemoration

On Wednesday April 15th at 7pm, the shoreline community will gather to commemorate the Shoah (Holocaust). Co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek and Temple Beth Tikvah, this year's program will be held at Temple Beth Tikvah in Madison, CT. An evening in commemoration of those who died and those who suffered during the holocaust. We honor them with prayer, learning, a ritual candle lighting and music. Co-officiated by Rabbi Offner and Rabbi Goldenberg, Cantor Kevin Margolius and Belinda Brennan.

Speaking that evening will be Dr. David Pettigrew, Professor of Philosophy and Holocaust Studies at Southern CT State University. Dr. Pettigrew will speak about his area of specialization, the Righteous Gentiles who hid and rescued Jews during the Holocaust.

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