Joey Weisnenberg is an author, educator and central figure in contemporary religious Jewish music. As Creative Director of Mechon Hadar's Rising Song Institute he has become widely known as a Debbie Friedman-esque songleader and writer. Joey works to educate and train communities around the world to unlock their musical and spiritual potential, and to make music a lasting and joy-filled force in shul and in Jewish life. Please join Joey as he empowers our temple community through music. The concert is Free and Open to the public. There will be a bagel lunch at noon and the concert begins at 1:00pm. A non-member lunch donation is suggested. General donations to the Silidker Music Fund are lovingly accepted. To RSVP or for additional information email or call the Temple Beth Tikvah office at 203-245-7028.
Sponsor: Silidker Family Music Fund