
16 2016

Purposeful Boards, Powerful Fundraising

8:00AM - 4:00PM  

Contact Mara Balk
(203) 387-2522 x300

It's never been more important for Boards and staff to work together effectively to solicit financial support for your organization. Designed for Board-staff teams, this practical session addresses the complementary roles Board members play in their organization's governance and resource development.

The session begins with a close look at Board recruitment, structure, operations, and culture, knowing that weak Boards don't raise funds effectively. The second part of the session focuses on how to involve Board members in effective fundraising. 

Friday, September 16, 2016
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Jewish Community Center, Woodbridge, CT
Presented by: Chuck V. Loring, MBA, CFRE


In order to complete this registration, you must have commitments for attendance from one staff member (preferably the Executive Director) and at least three Board members. You may register a fifth person (Board or staff) using this form. Additional participants are encouraged to attend. Please contact Stephanie Chung at 203-777-7077 or for additional registration instructions. 
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