Join PJ LIbrary and Massaro Farmers to gather greens for a salad, sing and celebrate Shabbat outdoors!
Ages 2-6 and their adults.
Suggested donation $5-$10
Sponsor: JCC and Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, Massaro Community Farm
1 2019
2:30PM - 3:30PM
Massaro Community Farm
41 Ford Rd
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Stacey Battat
203-387-2424 ext 317
$ Cost $ 0.00
Join PJ LIbrary and Massaro Farmers to gather greens for a salad, sing and celebrate Shabbat outdoors!
Ages 2-6 and their adults.
Suggested donation $5-$10
Sponsor: JCC and Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, Massaro Community Farm