
22 2019

Parent Education - New Haven Part 1 of 2

5:30PM - 8:30PM  

Jewish Family Service 1440 Whalley Ave.
New Haven, CT 06515
203-389-5599 ext 142 (Phone)
203-389-5904 (Fax)


Contact Barbara O'Donnell
203-389-5599 ext. 142

$ Cost $ 150.00

The Parent Education Program is mandated by the State of Connecticut for all parents of children under 18 getting a divorce or going through any custody disputes. Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven is an authorized PEP provider through a State of Connecticut contract. This program is offered as a six-hour educational workshop and participants must complete all six hours in order to meet requirements. Part 1 is Tuesday, January 22nd and Part 2 is Tuesday, January 29th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in New Haven. BOTH CLASSES must be completed. Pre-registration and payment ($150.00 money order, cash or credit card) or a court fee waiver form. If you are paying with Cash, it must be in the exact amount and brought into JFS at least one day prior to the start of class. To print an application to register, visit https://jfsnh.org/calendar/parent-education-new-haven-part-1-of-2-2/ and fax, mail or drop it off to the JFS offices along with your payment and/or fee waiver; or call 203-389-5599, ext. 142 and follow the prompts; or you can stop into the office (1440 Whalley Avenue, New Haven) to pick up instructions and a registration form.

All registrations and payments must be received three days prior to the first class.

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