
6 2018

Geoffrey H. Hartman Fellowship Symposium

9:00AM - 12:00PM  

Sterling Memorial Library
We have a flyer that can be included in any mailing 301 York Street
New Haven, CT 06520

Contact Stephen Naron

Please join us for the Geoffrey H. Hartman Fellowship Symposium at Sterling Memorial Library’s Lecture Hall at 9 AM on May 6, 2018 (entrance at York Street).

The Fortunoff Video Archive as we know it would not have been possible without the vision and leadership of Professor Geoffrey H. Hartman. An eminent professor of comparative literature at Yale, Professor Hartman served as Faculty Advisor to the Fortunoff Video Archive until his death on March 14, 2016.

To honor Professor Hartman, the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies has established the Geoffrey H. Hartman Fellowship Program. Please join us for a public symposium featuring the scholars who have spent the last year working with testimonies from the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. Our three speakers will be:

Sarah Garibova, Hartman Fellow. Sarah received her PhD in history from the University of Michigan, is the Fortunoff Archive's first Hartman Fellow. Sarah will present her work on an annotated critical edition of Lubov N.'s (HVT-3280) testimony. Lubov was born in Zvenigorodka in 1921.

Gabor Toth, Fortunoff/DHLab postdoctoral associate. Gabor graduated with his PhD in history from Oxford University. Gabor will present his work to build a digital tool to explore thousands of transcripts of survivor testimonies, as well as an anthology of survivor experiences.

Glenn Dynner, Senior Research Scholar. Glenn is a Professor of Religion at Sarah Lawrence College. Glenn will present his work on an annotated critical edition of Rubin P.'s (HVT-3038) testimony. Rubin was born in Dyatlovo (Zhetel) in 1924.

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