
6 2021

Faith in Jewish Tradition, Monday night class with Rabbi Shapiro

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Congregation B'nai Jacob 75 Rimmon Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Contact Receptionist B'nai Jacob

Jews sometimes recoil at the word "faith" as if it were a Christian concept. But faith lies at the heart of our tradition, although it is nuanced differently from other faith traditions and across Jewish traditions. Come explore what faith means in Judaism by going back to the sources. Do we argue with God? Do we submit to God? Are we intimate with God or is He far away? Do we have an independent understanding of ethics or do we obey what we are told? How do we understand faith in times of tragedy? At moments of blessing? This course is part of the Shalom Hartman's new series, "Foundations for a thoughtful Judaism." The class is free for BJ members. Non-members are asked to contribute $100 for the series.

Sponsor: B'nai Jacob Adult Education Committee

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