Jewish Senior Services, The Jewish Home
175 Jefferson Street Fairfield, CT 06825
The Joel and Lois Coleman Lecture Series
Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. is a renowned gerontologist, leading researcher, and
international speaker on aging. He created the Cornell Legacy Project, which is devoted
to surveying thousands of older Americans about their lessons for living including topics
like marriage, career, parenting, aging, regrets, happiness, and overcoming loss. He has
been interviewed by The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Chicago Tribune,
and PBS Newshour. Dr. Pillemer will share practical advice from his most recent book 30
Lessons for Loving: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage.
For more information, visit
RSVP to Kim Gintoli at 203-365-6463 or
Sponsor: Jewish Senior Services