
12 2019

BBYO Connecticut Valley Region Fall Kickoff

8:30PM - 11:00PM  

Quassy Amusement Park
Middlebury, CT

Contact Jen Kruzansky

$ Cost $ 40.00

Start your year off right, and join BBYO Connecticut Valley Region on October 12th from 8:30pm-11:00pm for a night of exclusive access to Quassy Amusement Park, located in Middlebury, CT. Attendees will have full access to all rides in the park and access to food trucks for the entire night, as well as arcade games (the arcade and prize games are not included in the cost, please bring your own money if you would like to play them.) This event is open to any Jewish teen in 8th-12th grade, and transportation will be provided to this event. The cost of the event is $40 and you must pre-register for entry, sign-up here bit.ly/cvrkickoff . Registration closes Sunday, October 6th. If you have any questions, email Jen Kruzansky at JKruzansky@bbyo.org.

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