
16 2017

Author Marjorie Ingall, "Mamaleh Knows Best"

6:00PM - 8:30PM  

Grassy Hill Country Club 441 Clark Ln
Orange, CT 06477
(203) 795-3100

Contact Grace Koo
(203) 387-2522 x228

6-7 p.m.: Reception  |   7-8:30 p.m. Talk

The JCC of Greater New Haven, in partnership with Women's Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, welcomes author Marjorie Ingall for an evening of discussion on her novel, "Mamaleh Knows Best". Raising a family with "traditional Jewish values" involves plenty of nurturing and plenty of time. Admonishing that the parent is the child's primary educator, Ingall counsels careful attention to transmitting those values of education, spirituality, honesty, and the like while encouraging independence and the untrammeled development of personality.

$5 JCC Members/$10 General Public


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