
4 2020

5 PM Argentina and Brazi​l: Jewish Life and the Impact of COVID

5:00PM - 5:45PM  

Register for this meeting in advance.

Join us for an interactive conversation about how these two countries are dealing with the virus, how the Jewish communities are specifically impacted and how schools in these countries are dealing with the challenges we all face.

Panelitst include:

Wilson Cukierman, Chief Executive of ORT School Brazil and National Director ORT Brazil. ORT Brazil specializes in STEM education and provides students with a head start in fields attractive to today’s employers, in an environment where they can explore their love of Judaism.

Teresa Cardoso Ourivio, ORT Brazil School Counselor. Teresa provides assistance to students facing challenges whether in academic, relational, or personal areas. As an assistant professor she teaches a graduate psycho-pedagogy course, and a private practice for families and couples.

Marcos Berlatzky, Professor in Industrial Disciplines, ORT Argentina. An Engineer in Electronics, Berlatzksy joined ORT high school in Buenos Aires in 1981 as the technology teacher, deputy director for electronics department, and director of musical production dept.  At present he coordinates the exchange and transference of educational developments between ORT and other schools at the national and international level and educational agencies of the national government and of different provinces. 

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