Celebrate Purim with the Greater New Haven Jewish Community!
Join us for a Communal Seudah on Thursday, March 1st, 2018
at the JCC of Greater New Haven, 360 Amity Rd., Woodbridge, CT
Megillah Reading: 3:30pm | Minchah: 4:45pm | Seudah: 5:00pm
Delicious Kosher Catered food from Abel’s Catering *for those who would like Kosher wine with their meal, please BYOB
Energetic Entertainment by MC/DJ Charles F. Rosenay of Liverpool Productions Entertainment
Costume Contests with prizes for Adults and Kids
3:30pm Megillah Reading Options:
Traditional Orthodox (male-led) reading in the Terrace Room
Women’s reading in the Legion Avenue Room
Egalitarian reading in the West Rock Room
4:45pm: Minchah
5:00pm Seudah in the Auditorium
Reservations are required in advance. Register and pay online at www.westvilleshul.org/purim-2018
If paying via check, please make it payable to The Westville Synagogue, 74 W. Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06515 with “Purim Seudah” in the memo line. Please include your contact information (name, email, phone number) along with the names of all guests attending (including children under 5).
Earlybird Registration (deadline Wednesday, 1/31):
$27 adult or teen (ages 11+) $17 child (ages 5-10) no charge for children under 5
Registration (deadline Wednesday, 2/21):
$33 adult or teen (ages 11+) $23 child (ages 5-10) no charge for children under 5
Sponsor: Congregation B'nai Jacob, Congregation Or Shalom, Temple Beth David, Westville Synagogue, Jewish Federation of Greater NH