Please note: No classes February 17 - 20.
Carlee Sachs-Krook (she/they) moves fluidly between the roles of dance educator and scholar. An ecletic groover with a background in ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap, creative dance, and Pilates, she holds a BFA in Dance from Sam Houston State University and an MA in American Dance Studies from Florida State University as well as Balanced Body Pilates certification. She has taught various dance styles to children and adults for over ten years across studio, community, and collegiate settings. Grounding in culturally reflexive and student-centered approaches to learning, she strives to nuture her students' curiosity, sense of play, and creativity. Her teaching practice guides her research interests, which lie at the intersection of dance, pedagogy, popular culture, and social justice. Her research appears in the textbook Dance and US Popular Culture edited by Dr. Jennifer Atkins and The Dancer Citizen.
For more information, please contact For registration questions, contact Jaime Rodriguez at (203) 387-2424 x322 or