
29 2017

Understanding Race in America: Lessons from My Iranian Jewish Father

1:05PM - 2:00PM  

Southern Connecticut State University
This is a free event sponsored by SCSU Judaic Studies that is open to the public. 501 Crescent Street
Buley Libary Room 204
New Haven, CT 06515
(860) 481-1167 (Phone)
(203) 392-6713 (Fax)

Contact Corinne Blackmer
Professor of English and Judaic Studies, Southern Connecticut State University
(860) 481-1167 (Phone)
(203) 392-6713 (Fax)

World famous Iranian memoirist and journalist Roya Hakakian will discuss how her Iranian Jewish father's severe experiences with antisemitism in Iran helped her understand the nature of racial relations and tensions in the United States. She will analyze why the experiences of black people are not well understood, and explore the similarities between racism and antisemitism. Her talk will conclude with a consideration of recent events in Charlottesville, where both blacks and Jews were targets of hatred by Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.

Sponsor: SCSU Judaic Studies, English Philosophy., Sociology., Black Students Union, Media Studies, History., Political Science

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