
21 2022

Cultural Arts Author Series: Nessa Rapoport "Evening: A Novel"

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Susan Skalka

$ Cost $ 5.00

Register in advance.

Sis­ters, secrets, sor­row, and devo­tion: Evening is a short nov­el, heart­break­ing and fun­ny, about the com­pli­cat­ed love between two sis­ters, one mourn­ing the oth­er. Eve, the nar­ra­tor, returns home from New York to Toron­to for the funer­al and shi­va of her old­er sis­ter, Tam, a famous Cana­di­an TV jour­nal­ist who has died in her thir­ties, far too young. Full of con­tra­dic­tion, Eve strug­gles with ambi­tion and romance. even dur­ing shi­va. Tam was devot­ed­ly mar­ried, fierce­ly suc­cess­ful, dis­dain­ing what she viewed as Eve’s inabil­i­ty to choose, whether in work or love. But all of Eve’s assump­tions will be undone by what she dis­cov­ers over these shi­va days. On the morn­ing after the funer­al, Eve learns the first of the secrets that will over­turn her view of her fam­i­ly and her future. Then there is Lau­rie, Eve’s great first love, who sud­den­ly appears in the shi­va house. Eve knows some­thing will hap­pen, but so, with­in her, does Tam, whose wise­cracks and scorn accom­pa­ny Eve as a voice in her head dur­ing this week of grief and transformation.

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